Friday, August 31, 2007

Wet and Rainy Friday

Rainy weather does one thing for me, gives me an excellent excuse to knit, spin, and play with fiber. I am a fire sign, and love warm bright days. Cold wet dark days are depressing to me. I brighten these times with the fire in my wheel.

The first wheel I ever bought was a Babe. From Carolina Homespun, made by "Babe's Fiber Garden". It is an inexpensive wheel, and works wonderfully. I still use it. I love it. It is my friend.

Today, I am spinning some very soft and static Alpaca. Being a wet and rainy day, it is helping with the static electricity. Having a full pound of this stuff, I will be happy when the Alpaca is all spun. I seem to be getting more on me than twisted on the bobbin, and having a hard time keeping it all the same wpi. It will need some creative plying to make a balanced yarn.
Life is filled with challenges this one is minor. Enjoy the long weekend!


Tuesday, August 28, 2007


Another first in a life long list of firsts. My First Blog! It is something that, should be earth shattering, spectacular, and stupendous, but in reality, it is mundane, meager, and morose.

Words come to those that plan ahead. Today, I jumped headlong without a plan into the blogging world.

I have had very little sleep. I stayed up to watch the Blood Moon Eclipse, which was glorious. The moon was full and silvery white. The earth glided between the sun and the silvery orb, slowly stealing it's glow, until all that was left was a red, to orange orb hanging like a ripe peach ready for picking. Just Beautiful!

I need to dye some roving to match the colors that I witnessed last night. Deep Maroon, red, orange, light blue, and white.

Here is a picture of one of my firsts, not my first pair of socks as this is the 4th pair of Horcrux socks I made, I have several Granddaughters that came before my turn, but the first time I joined in with a group of knitters, the first time I posted to a group and the first time I uploaded a picture to the web. The fiber is Moda-Dea. I nearly got them to match, which was amazing since it was yarn leftover from another project. I do try to use up my scraps.
