Wednesday, September 19, 2007


Caught between a rock and a hard place, can't win for losing, damned if you do and damned if you don't. I think it is called life, it is certainly called dealing with fighting children. You can't take sides. You only want them to stop. There are no winners, only losers. Sigh...


On the knitting front however, and the need to escape into a tangled web of fibery goodness I have started a pair of fingerless mitts. It is Silky Wool, on US size 3 needles.


The next is an almost finished Baby Surprise Jacket. It is blocking and still needs the shoulders sewn up. I added some short rows to the back for diaper fullness, and so the jacket hangs straight. I am still toying with frogging the whole thing, I don't like this colorway for a baby. In fact, I'm wondering just what this colorway would be good for, and why did I buy it. I think I just made my decision, it is going to be frogged. Perhaps a vest?


1200 yards of fingerling to dk weight yarn hand dyed, haven't got a clue what it will become, but was a lot of fun dying matching skeins.
We are off for a two week camping and fishing holiday, it's supposed to snow, (gulp, winter already?)

Friday, September 7, 2007


Socks. Another finished pair. The fiber is Art Yarn merino 4. Oh so soft.
Knitted on size 2 needles