Friday, December 28, 2007

Happy and Fiber Prolific 2008!

Take care of what you wish for-all wishes come true-but maybe not in the way you expect them to~

I got a tad bit of knitting done in December, a pair of slipper socks for the SAMKAL4, I made up the pattern up as I went along. These will be a birthday present for next year. They will be wrapped, carded, and kept safe. They are cashmere, wool and a bit of silk. The fiber seems to halo, I don't like that, however they are soft, yummy, and feel good on the feet.

The next two months is the time for deep winter, planning for the re-growth of life. My husband plans his garden and I play with fiber. I love to knit, and spin through this time. I plan our yearly gifts (birthday, holiday, and special occasion) with the hopes to have all the small handmade items finished by May. Most of the time I accomplish this, which leaves the last half of the year to fish, camp, and play. Now I will spread out the sock knitting over 12 months. I still want to get three sweaters, and two shawls done sometime this year. I have most of the yarn spun for my Central Park Hoodie. (Wow finally something for me!)
Back to the sock knitting...this year...I have planned 22 pairs. I have joined the SAM5,2008, and Red Bird Knits sock a month club, to help me keep on track. I even joined a mystery sock club at Goddess Knits...(I will see if this is something I can keep up with, as I don't know what to expect from it. )
I usually have all the socks, hats, bags, mittens, gloves, (small things) I am going to make for gifts, done by May. Then it is knit anything I want for the rest of the year. Last year was different. I joined the SAMKAL4. I knitted a pair of socks (or more) each month for the last half of the year. I enjoyed the pressure and the fun. It was wonderful to feel part of something, and to see all the beautiful hand work that these knitters were turning out. All the love that is being knitted, all over the world is a special feeling that only those that craft for the ones they love feel. They hope the recipients of the gifts feel the love and protection that they stitched into every knitted, woven, crocheted, tatted, felted, and sewn item that was made for them.
Make Wishes, not Resolutions!

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Winter Magic

Look what's happening in Utah right now!
The snow is gently falling at the moment, it is hanging heavy in the tree branches. Out in the bird feeder there are Rosy Finches, Common House Sparrows, a Downy Woodpecker, and two pair of Gold Finches. There is a pair of Crown Sparrows, along with a dozen different Junco's and Chickadees. We have a flock of Mourning Doves, 18 at the last count foraging on the ground, taking their turn at a free lunch.
Nothing like a good Snow storm to put the spurs to finishing up Yule Tide goodies. That would be in the form of cookies, candy, knitted socks and a scarf.
