In Memorandum:
So far, this year has not been an easy one. It has been filled with struggles, and sadness. My Father-in-Law passed from this world on the last day of February.
He was 90 years old. He had a small stroke the last week of January, which took his strength and his will. The family all took turns caring for him. He didn’t want to go to a hospital, and he didn’t want any life support. He couldn’t be left alone. My Mother-in-Law was not able to care for him on her own.
As the month of February headed towards March, Dad got weaker. Still a stubborn man, he would use the aid of a walker to shuffle down the hall from his bedroom to his favorite chair, in the family room. As the days moved forward, his health moved backwards. It took longer and longer to get to his chair, eventually having to resort to a wheelchair, which he didn’t want to use. Did I mention he was a stubborn man?
On February 28th, he had another stroke, this one taking the mobility of his left leg. He was disorientated had a hard time speaking. The doctor was called as was the hospice nurse. We were told to make him comfortable and that death was eminent. The Doctor and Nurse were easing us into the actual acceptance of death that was to come, telling us we had possibly 24 to 48 hrs. Dad laid there struggling for breath, his eyes open, he looked through us not at us. He stayed with us until we all had time to say our goodbye’s, give him our love, and reassure him or ourselves that all would be fine. He left us at 2:30am on February 29th 2008. He had told me earlier in the week that this was all of this was part of life. I am grateful to have had this experience. I am happy to have been of service for his care. He will be missed.
Knitting has been going strong. I finished what felt like a multitude of socks. It was a way to distress…it was easier to get tangled in cables, and twisted into to lace, than to really think about was happening in our lives. 16 pair of socks finished and wrapped for next Christmas.

Gauntlets for one Granddaughter’s birthday, and socks for another. Birthday’s falling on the 5th and the 10th of this April showery/snowy month. .
Cascade Fixation, completed the gauntlets, my own pattern and design...and soft cashmere made the pink socks.
I hope spring is here! This is the first weekend in quite a while that has not had snow or rain.
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